Small effort – big effect
Rooms play a major role in workshops, training sessions and conferences. Trainers and facilitators often have to cope with boring and uninspiring rooms.
FACILITAPE® is the combination of facilitation and tape art that makes it possible to transform a room with a few rolls of tape. In addition to flipcharts and pinboards, the room can be used as a whole. You can learn exactly how this works in Matthias Lenssen's workshops.
The FACILITAPE® method was awarded the BDVT's Golden Owl in March 2024. Hundreds of trainers have enthusiastically added the method to their toolbox and enchant rooms and participants alike.

Visual Facilitation meets Tape Art
I'm Matthias and I love making the workshop and working world smarter, more colourful and more functional with tape. I inspire, activate and train facilitators so that they can expand their toolbox and visually enrich their formats and methods with tape. I also offer in-house tape workshops for teams.