bikablo® 1 – Visual dictionary
bikablo® 1 – Visual dictionary
Do you speak bikablo®? Visualization is fun and transports complex content
directly to the heart. In all learning and dialogue situations, the power of
images helps to relieve tensions, structure the complicated, express the
difficult and make the abstract tangible.
The visual dictionary bikablo® 1
is your ticket to the world of visualization. Martin Haussmann, visual
facilitation pioneer and founder of the bikablo® company, has compiled hundreds
of successful visual symbols into a unique reference work of visual language –
specially tailored to the needs of trainers, moderators,
advisors and facilitators.
Do you still think you have no drawing
talent at all? Within a few minutes of using "bikablo® 1" you will realize
that you too can make a difference with visualization. All templates
are designed in the systematic and easy-to-learn drawing technique that
bikablo® also teaches in its legendary visualization trainings.
What's in it:
• Over 400 very simple and accurate icons, key images and
situations for all areas of learning and collaboration.
• Extra: simple tips
& techniques for quick visualizations on the flipchart
• Everyday
objects, symbols, figures, situations and imagery, key worded and divided into
clear chapters
• Completely revised in the unusual and practical half-linen
binding, which makes it even easier to have this Visual Dictionary with you
at all times
Edition: Half-linen, 144
Dimensions: 21 x 14.8 cm / 8.3 x 5.8
Language: German/English
13: 978-3-940315-34-2