Handlettering Learning Pad to go
Handlettering Learning Pad to go
Are you a calligraphy fan? Here is the solution for when you are on
the road!
Calligraphy is the same as any other art form: Practice
makes perfect!
In order to facilitate this practice without requiring too much preparation,
we have developed with Neuland Ambassador® Heather Martinez a "to
go" handlettering learning pad, that has the right pre-printed lines for the
two common Neuland Marker types: running text with the Neuland No.One® and
calligraphic accents with the Neuland No.One® Art and/or Neuland FineOne® Art
with brush nib.
The best way is to simply order your pad together with the
appropriate marker!
So that you can get started straight away, you can download a free guide in
pdf format at www.neuland.com/pages/handlettering
When you print out
the pdf, the first four pages are in English. Pages 5-8 are in German.
Size: 29.7 x 21 cm / 11.7 x 8.2
Content: 100 sheets, one-sided print, perforated
(50 sheets each
for Neuland No.One® markers and for Neuland No.One® Art or Neuland FineOne® Art
with brush nib, 2 sheets with handlettering quotations, 2 sheets with
handlettering tips)
Paper: 90/g sq m woodfree offset,